Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I got bored and didn't have anything to post. Wonderpants, Ms Australia and I went to a pub in Mytischi called "The Temple Bar" after a famous bar in Dublin, but that's about all that's happened. So I decided to share with you some of the mundane stuff found in my day-to-day life in Russia...

Some curiosities from around my home....

Above: Russian Course, my lifeline to getting by in Russia.

Below: My Russian Course studies, which I promptly forget.

Below: CD given to me by Sasha

Below: Mr. Irish and my fridge door

Below: My well-used Moscow Metro map

Below: A never-used treadmill and hoola-hoop that is in our flat for some reason

Above: Shower gel

Below: Soul gel...okay, it's vodka. This is the only remaining Soviet-era brand

Below: Mayonaise, the ubiquitous ingredient in everything

Below: I found Tobasco Sauce at the local supermarket! I can finally spice up my food!

Below: English-Russian/Russian-English dictionary

Below: Lonely Planet Russian phrasebook. My Lonely Planet Korean phrasebook was a lifesaver in South Korea, but the Russian one is about as useful as a bag of hammers.

Above: Pall Mall Sinii (dark blue), one of my vices which, at 27 roubles a pack (about 95 cents), I won't be quitting anytime soon.

Below: My 990 rouble cell phone.


  1. Ive seen a bunch of things about the Russian Course book lately and how great it is. I think I need to get it!
    Do you recommend any other helpful guides for the language?

    btw- I love learning all this random stuff about Russia before I venture over. Thanks for sharing your mundane everyday life.

  2. Russian Course is, so far, the only book I've got my hands on but if I find anything else I'll post it. Likewise, if you come across a decent course book then let me know!

    That's great that you're coming to Russia. Contrary to what all the nay-sayers on forums such as Dave's ESL Cafe say, living and teaching in Russia is quite enjoyable (albeit with plenty of its own unique frustrations).

    Thanks for commenting!
